Global IoT Managed Services Market Report 2021 – Crucial to the Development of the IoT Market, Managed Services will Account for up to 68% of all Enterprise Deployments by 2026

DUBLIN, Nov. 10, 2021 / PRNewswire / – The “IoT Managed Services Market by Type (Network, Application, Security, Access, Data), Use Case, Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, and Government), Industry Vertical, and Reporting Regions 2021 – 2026 ”have been added to the application.

This report evaluates the IoT managed services market including network managed services, data managed services, security managed services, and access managed services.

The publishers of this report conduct studies to identify and measure the scope of services that IoT handles in each of the major market segments, service types, and by global region. The research covers advances in operator -based services as well as bureau -based IoT -managed services.

IoT managed services are increasingly popular with businesses around the world. For example, automation systems in the industrial sector, and in particular manufacturing companies, are constantly seeking greater operational efficiency. These include lower production downtime, lower production costs, and increased productivity, among other benefits. IoT services are managed ready to deliver in this regard for large corporations as well as SMB entities.

Managed IoT service providers allow businesses to implement end-to-end ready-to-commercial solutions on a large scale, while also providing the flexibility to scale up or down if needed. Managed IoT services also give organizations the ability to achieve higher levels of digital transformation and leaner reach across external and internal supply chains.

3.0 IoT Managed Services Market Considerations3.1 Building Blocks of IoT Applications and Services3.1.1 Semiconductors3.1.2 Wireless Sensors3.1.3 IoT Devices3.1.4 Network Technologies and Protocols3.2 IoT Software, OS, Devices, Data, and Platforms.3.2.1 Real- Operations Time System3.2.2 IoT Analytics3.2.3 IoT Privacy and Security3.2.4 IoT Device Management3.2.5 IoT Standards and Interoperability API3.3 IoT Industry Applications3.4 IoT Value Chain Analysis IoT3.4.1 IoT Hardware Tool Providers3.4.2 IoT Component Providers3.4.3 Providers IoT Platform3 .4.4 IoT Software and Service Providers3.5 Role of Mobile Network Operators

4.0 IoT Managed Services Market Dynamics4.1 Market Drivers4.1.1 Improving the development of Cloud technology4.1.2 Improving Smart City Implementation worldwide4.1.3 Increasing the Number of Connected Devices4.2 Market Challenges4.2.1 Lack of Industry Standards4.2.2 Lack of Awareness

5.0 IoT5.1 Managed Services Market Considerations5.1 IoT5.2 Device Management and Security IoT5.2.1 Device Management5.2.2 Security

6.0 Segmentation of IoT Managed Services Market6.1 IoT Managed Services Market by Service Type6.1.1 Network Management Services6.1.2 Data Management Services6.1.3 Security Management Services6.1.4 Access Management Services6.2 IoT Managed Services Market by Industry Vertical6.2.1 Customers6.2.2 Enterprise6 .2.3 Industry6.2.4 Government6.3 The Role of IoT Managed Service in Enterprise Evolution6.4 IoT Managed Service and Device Management6.4.1 Service Management6.4.2 Device Management

7.0 Managed IoT Data Infrastructure7.1 IoT Data Infrastructure7.1.1 IoT Identity Management Database7.1.2 IoT Permission Database7.1.3 IoT Discovery Database7.2 DB Support for IoT Orchestration and Mediation7.3 DB Support for IoT Services AAA7.3.1 IoT Authentication .2 IoT7.3 Authorization7.3.3 IoT Accounting

8.0 IoT Identity Management Managed Services8.1.1 Identification of Network Elements8.1.2 Identification of Consumers, Companies, and Industrial Devices8.1.3 Identification of Actors: Consumers, Producers, Service Providers8.1.4 Identification of Data, User Data, and Data Usage8.1.5 IoT Identity Management and AAA as a Service8.2 IoT DB Support of IoT Data Management and Analytics8.2.1 IoT Data Management Requirements8.2.2 IoT Data Market8.2.3 IoT Data as a Service8.2.4 IoT Analytics as a Service8.2.5 IoT Decisions as a Service8.3 IoT DB Registry and Transaction Services8.3.1 Identity Registry and IDoT as a Service8.3.2 IoT Authentication DB Services8.3.3 IoT Authorization DB Services8.3.4 IoT Accounting DB Services8.3.5 IoT Data and Analytics DB Services8.3.6 IoT Device Registry and DB Services8.3.7 IoT Device Registry and DB Services8.3.7 Tool Registry and Relationship IoT Identity Registry8.3.8 DB IoT Services in Support of the IoT Platform8.3.9 Performance Monitoring and Reporting Activities against SLA8.3.10 The IoT Infrastructure Ecosystem as a Whole

9.0 IoT Managed Service Market Outlook and Forecasts9.1 Global IoT Managed Service Market Forecasts 2021 – 20269.2 Regional IoT Managed Services Market Forecasts 2021 – 20269.2.1 North America Market: Service Type, Industry Vertical, and Country9.2.2 European Market: Service Type, Vertical Industries, and Countries9.2.3 APAC Markets: Types of Services, Vertical Industries, and Countries9.2.4 MEA Markets: Types of Services, Vertical Industries, and Countries9.2.5 Latin American Markets: Types of Services, Vertical Industries, and Countries9.3 IoT Leader Countries Managed Services Forecast 2021 – 20269.3.1 US IoT Managed Services Forecast 2021 – 20269.3.2 German IoT Managed Services Forecast 2021 – 20269.3.3 Chinese IoT Managed Services Forecast 2021 – 20269.3.2 German IoT Managed Services Forecast 2021 – 20269.3.3 Managed IoT China 2021 – 20269T.

10.0 IoT Managed Services Case Study10.1.1 Case Study 1: Preparing the Way for International IoT along the Silk Road10.1.2 Case Study 2: IoT Managed Services for Government10.1.3 Case Study 3: Tracking Cost Effective Assets10.1.4 Case Study 4: SolarNow Implements Services Predictive Scalable Security Management and Security10.1.5 Case Study 5: M1 Limited Provides Resistance Management Systems to National Environmental Agencies10.1.6 Case Study 6: Environmental Monitoring Solutions Case Study10.1.7 Case Study 7: Cisco Connected Highway Solutions10.1.8 Case Study 8: Smart and Connected Cryogenic Freezers, using Cloud -based IoT Platforms10.1.9 Case Study 9: Managed NOC Services10.1.10 Case Study 10: IoT Platforms Help Connect Data and Drive Innovation10.1.11 Case Study 11: Impact of IoT on Industrial Logistics

11.0 Select Companies Involved in IoT Managed Services11.1 Microsoft11.2 Cisco11.3 ACCENTURE11.4 IBM11.5 DXC Technology11.6 Ericsson11.7 Rackspace11.8 HCL11.9 Infosys11.10 AT&T11.11 Codit11.12 Inc. HARMAN International11.14 Capgemini11.15 Mindtree11.16 Cognizant

12.0 Overview and Recommendations12.1 Benefits of IoT Managed Services12.2 IoT Managed Services Open Market Strategy

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Researcher and Market Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected]

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