3T Pro Now Offering Three Support Plans for Managed I.T. Services

3T Pro Now Offering Three Support Plans for Managed I.T. Services

An industry leader in computer support and managed I.T. services in Dallas offer several support plans.

RICHARDSON, TEXAS, USA, November 10, 2021 / EINPresswire.com/ – According to a recent study (https://www.cybintsolutions.com/cyber-security-facts-stats/), 95 percent of violations of cybersecurity is caused by human error. That’s why representatives with 3T Pro are proud to announce today that it now offers three support plans for the I.T. services.

“We are excited to offer three different I.T. support pricing models for our customers,” said 3T Pro sales vice president Tommy Gay.

3T Pro, a Dallas IT support and consulting firm that has been serving the wider Dallas area since 1992, provides 24/7 IT Assistance and I.T. Services to a wide variety of small and medium businesses in Dallas, Ft. It’s worth it, it’s over. The company offers I.T. schedules are managed. Services, Cloud, Project Management, Business Continuity, and more.

As for the three support plans for the I.T. services, Tommy revealed that plans include Silver Support, Gold Support, and Platinum Support.

The company’s decision to offer three support plans for the I.T. The support could try to have a perfect timing. According to industry data, on average, only five percent of business cards are well protected, and 88 percent of organizations around the world have experienced spear-phishing attempts in the world. last year.

“Some companies prefer our IT support Silver Plan which provides strong network security accompanied by a discounted hourly rate,” Tommy said before adding, “Other customers prefer to have a fixed monthly cost for the services, so we support IT by supporting Gold or Platinum service plans. No matter your choice, we are committed to providing the service and support that works best for you and your business. ”

Tommy explained that his silver plan provides companies with a solid network security base and is a perfect standalone service to add a strong layer of security to the business network.

The gold plan, Tommy noted, combines the security of the Silver plan with the addition of the unlimited remote I.T. support. But that’s not all. The organization benefits from O ffi 365 subscriptions, disaster recovery backups, email security filters, and much more.

“Our Platinum package provides all the security of our Silver plan, and all the features of the Gold plan on top of our full technical support services,” Tommy said. “It’s the perfect plan for small businesses that want an I.T. program with a fixed monthly cost.

For more information, visit https://3tpro.com/about-3t-pro/our-rates/ and https://3tpro.com/blog/.

3T Pro provides 24/7 IT Support and IT services to a wide variety of small and medium businesses in Dallas, Ft. It’s worth it, it’s over. We offer hourly and managed IT services, Cloud, Project Management, Business Continuity, and much more.

100 N Central Expy # 1000Richardson, TX 75080 United States

Tommy Gay

3T Pro, Inc.

+1 972-509-0585

How much does an IT technician make per hour?

How much does an IT technician make per hour?
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Do IT technicians make good money? Most of these jobs pay relatively well, many with benefits. IT professionals usually also enjoy good job security. The BLS reports that those working in computer occupations earned an average salary of $ 82,860 in 2016.

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  • The highest salary for an IT person in India is € 10,033 per month. The lowest salary for an IT person in India is € 10,033 per month.
  • According to ZipRecruiter.com, technology consultants in the United States make an average of $ 36 per hour and more than $ 68.51 at the high end. The median hourly rate for IT consultants as reported by salary.com is $ 54, with $ 40 at the minimum of their scale, and $ 68 at the high end.

How much should I charge as an IT consultant? IT consulting fees can range from $ 25 to $ 150 per hour. In some regions, rates go up to $ 250 / hour and above. In this article, we cover the average IT consulting fees, what factors influence the cost of the consulting service and how IT consultants set fees for their service.

How do I determine my consulting rate UK?

How Much Money Does a Consultant Make? While ZipRecruiter sees hourly salaries as high as $ 94.71 and as low as $ 7.45, the majority of Consultant salaries currently range from $ 24.04 (25 percent) to $ 50.00 (75 percent). all over the United States.

What is consultancy pricing?

Typically, Entry-level Management Consultants (having no or less than one year of work experience) can earn an average annual compensation of Rs 6,45,841, while a candidate with 1-4 years of work experience can earn about Rs. 8.72.252 LPA.

How much should I charge as a consultant?

To calculate your hourly consultation rate:

How much do consultants charge UK?

Determine the salary you want to make.

How much should I charge as a consultant?

Take that number and divide it by 52 (number of work weeks), then again by 40 (number of hours each week).

How much does a consultant charge UK?

Take this number and mark it from 25% to 50%.

What is a good hourly rate for consulting?

To calculate your hourly consultation rate:

How do I price my consulting services?

Determine the salary you want to make.

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HOW MUCH DO IT companies charge per month?

Take that number and divide it by 52 (number of work weeks), then again by 40 (number of hours each week).

Take this number and mark it from 25% to 50%.

What do IT companies charge?

How do I calculate my hourly rate as a consultant? If you are starting a consulting business, the best way to determine your rate is to divide your old salary by 52 weeks of work and then divide that number by 40 (the number of hours worked in a week). This will give you the hourly rate you did before.

How much does an IT service cost?

Take your most recent salary as a permanent employee, add up all benefits, and divide by 225 (approximately the number of working days in a year in the UK once you allow holidays and bank holidays). This provides you with a “base fee” on which you can add a “freelancer charge” to operate independently.

How much can an IT support business make?

Price consulting is when a pricing expert or professional offers strategic advice on future pricing plans.

How much does an IT service cost?

Tax advisors pay about $ 200 per hour. Web designers pay about $ 30 to $ 80 per hour, with $ 75 being the average. Alternatively, they could charge a flat project fee of $ 500 to $ 5,000 per website. Management consultants pay between $ 100 to $ 350 per hour.

What does IT cost for IT management?

the hourly rates of freelance IT consultants in the UK? Based on data from one of the leading freelance markets, Upwork.com, the hourly rates of the UK’s independent IT consultant range from £ 25 to £ 150 per hour. The average fare is, however, on the lower side – around £ 55 per hour.

How much should I pay for IT services?

Tax advisors pay about $ 200 per hour. Web designers pay about $ 30 to $ 80 per hour, with $ 75 being the average. Alternatively, they could charge a flat project fee of $ 500 to $ 5,000 per website. Management consultants pay between $ 100 to $ 350 per hour.

IS IT department a cost center?

IS IT department a cost center?

It can cost around £ 80 per hour if you are looking to pick and choose your needs. For a daily cost at that rate, look in the region of around £ 500 per day. Freelance HR consultants can charge a wide variety of different fees. From as little as £ 7, £ 15, or £ 25 per hour.

Management consultants pay between $ 100 to $ 350 per hour. UX consultants pay between $ 25 to $ 190 per hour, with $ 70 being the average.

IS department a profit center?

In general, a service company sets an hourly rate of 2.5 to 3.5 times the base compensation of the person doing the work. For example, if you feel that your time is worth $ 60,000 per year, or $ 30 per hour, you may have a standard hourly bill rate of $ 75 per hour (2.5 x $ 30).

What is considered a profit center?

For the average small business, your monthly cost can range from $ 500 to $ 2000 per month to protect your information system, data and workstations throughout the day. You should consult with an IT support provider for more information on the features and costs of a managed service package.

Is sales department a profit Centre?

How much does IT cost to control IT support? As a general rule, companies should expect to pay an average of about $ 150 per month, per employee, to support each of their users. Because it is increasingly common for users to have multiple devices that need support, many managed service providers are moving toward a user-based pricing model.

What is a cost center example?

In general, the price range for IT service packages ranges from $ 99 per month to $ 250 per user, per month. In this case, “per user” refers to employees who use technology to do their job – that is, if you have 30 employees who use IT devices for work, whether it’s PCs, laptops or tablets, you pay for 30 users.

What is cost center and its types?

What is the fee for IT services? As of March 2020, the current rate for managed computer services in the United States is between $ 100 – $ 150 per person per month. If you include advanced and proven security solutions, it can reach up to $ 200 – $ 250 per month per person.

What is cost centre in simple words?

How much profit can a technology support company make? If you are the only employee and plan to work fifty weeks out of the year, your business will earn $ 150,000 per year with only twenty hours of work per week.

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